Bug#728479: ipe: buffer overflow! I cannot complete snapping examples 2, 3, and 6

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Sun Dec 1 04:56:51 UTC 2013

On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 11:34:45PM +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:

> I have just tried with ipe/7.1.4-1 (currently in unstable).
> I could successfully complete examples 1, 2, 4, and 5.
> But I reproduced the crash with examples 3 and 6.
> Hence, I would say that the bug is still there...  :-(

OK.  Thanks for confirming this.

> Please let me know whether you are able to reproduce the issue.

Actually, no, I wasn't.  I ran into a more puzzling bug.  I set out to
try "Example 3", but any time I turned on the angular snapping, the
cursor was stuck to the left boundary of the page so I couldn't even
draw the first horizontal line.

I'm going to forward this upstream.

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