Bug#698527: elmer: executable ElmerGUI.real links with both GPL-licensed and GPL-incompatible libraries

Francesco Poli invernomuto at paranoici.org
Sun Jan 27 11:26:32 UTC 2013

On Sun, 27 Jan 2013 10:35:17 +0100 Anton Gladky wrote:

> Hi,
> will we request the package removing from wheezy as well?

As I said [1], I would really try hard and avoid removing the package
from Debian.
The true solution is: help me in persuading Open CASCADE S.A.S. to
re-license Open CASCADE Technology under GPLv2-and-v3-compatible terms.

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/698527#22

Removing packages from Debian corresponds to surrendering (at least
temporarily). I would rather avoid this.

So once again: please get in touch with Open CASCADE S.A.S. and
persuade them to re-license under GPLv2-and-v3-compatible terms (such
as under GNU LGPL v2.1, possibly with additional permissions, if deemed

I am convinced that this issue should be solved once and for all.

 New GnuPG key, see the transition document!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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