Bug#702550: problem with the .pc file

Alexander Dreyer alexander.dreyer at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Tue Mar 19 11:25:45 UTC 2013

Sorry, I didn't see that before.
I'll fix the .pc files according to your example later.

Best regards,

Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Math. Alexander Dreyer

Abteilung "Systemanalyse, Prognose und Regelung"
Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik (ITWM)
Fraunhofer-Platz 1
67663 Kaiserslautern

Telefon    +49 (0) 631-31600-4318
Fax        +49 (0) 631-31600-5318
E-Mail     alexander.dreyer at itwm.fraunhofer.de
Internet   http://www.itwm.fraunhofer.de/sys/dreyer.html

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