Bug#703916: LAPACK package contains non-free files.

Brooks Moses brooks_moses at mentor.com
Mon Mar 25 17:53:03 UTC 2013

Package: lapack
Version: 3.4.1-6

The LAPACK package contains two non-free files in the lapacke/examples
directory, example_DGESV_rowmajor.c and example_ZGESV_rowmajor.c.

Both of these files have the following proprietary license header, which
clearly prohibits any and all copying or distribution:

> /*******************************************************************************
> *  Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
> *  The information and material ("Material") provided below is owned by Intel
> *  Corporation or its suppliers or licensors, and title to such Material remains
> *  with Intel Corporation or its suppliers or licensors. The Material contains
> *  proprietary information of Intel or its suppliers and licensors. The Material
> *  is protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. No part of
> *  the Material may be copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, posted,
> *  transmitted, or distributed in any way without Intel's prior express written
> *  permission. No license under any patent, copyright or other intellectual
> *  property rights in the Material is granted to or conferred upon you, either
> *  expressly, by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Any license
> *  under such intellectual property rights must be express and approved by Intel
> *  in writing.
> *
> ********************************************************************************
> */

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