Bug#703916: closed by Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org> (Bug#703916: fixed in lapack 3.4.1+dfsg-1)

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Tue Mar 26 06:58:40 UTC 2013

Dear Brooks,

Le lundi 25 mars 2013 à 16:31 -0700, Brooks Moses a écrit :

> Unfortunately, I don't think this problem is "fixed in the latest
> version of lapack" as the reply I received states -- I initially ran
> into this problem in a LAPACK 3.4.2 package downloaded directly from the
> netlib.org website, and the ill-licensed files are definitely present there.

You probably misread the message from the Debian bug tracking system.
The files were removed in Debian version 3.4.1+dfsg-1. I will soon
remove them also from the experimental version.

Of course, the files are still present in the LAPACK downloadable from
netlib.org, but this is not something that Debian can act on (at least
in the very short term), neither is it a bug in Debian.

Thanks for your report,

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'     http://www.dynare.org/sebastien
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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