Bug#700389: libtimbl3-dev: Broken dependencies make other packages FTBFS (needs ticcutils/StringOps.h from libticcutils1-dev)

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Sun May 26 14:18:33 UTC 2013

This bug was filed against libtimbl3-dev and the discussion in this bug 
claims it's an issue in that package but the bug was closed with an 
upload of frog.

Closing a bug in one package with an upload of another leaves the bug in 
a somewhat confusing state. The bug is "closed" but it's still 
considered to affect the versions of the original package. That in turn 
means that britney is refusing to migrate timbl to testing which in turn 
means that frog is not buildable in testing (which is a rc issue in it's 
own right).

If you belive that fixing this bug in libtimbl3-dev is needed then 
please do so so that timbl can migrate. Otherwise please fixup the bug 
so it's filed against and closed by the same package.

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