Bug#724223: Bug #724223: rivet: FTBFS: AnalysisInfo.cc:42:14: error: 'class YAML::Parser' has no member named 'GetNextDocument'
Michael Banck
mbanck at gmx.net
Sat Nov 23 13:59:38 UTC 2013
tags 724223 +patch
tags 724223 +pending
tags 724223 +fixed-upstream
On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 07:12:53PM +0200, David Suárez wrote:
> During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on
> amd64.
> Relevant part (hopefully):
> > make[4]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»/src/Core'
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-Event.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-Jet.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-Particle.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-ParticleName.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-ProjectionApplier.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-Projection.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-Analysis.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-AnalysisLoader.lo
> > CXX libRivetCore_la-AnalysisInfo.lo
> > AnalysisInfo.cc: In static member function 'static Rivet::AnalysisInfo* Rivet::AnalysisInfo::make(const string&)':
> > AnalysisInfo.cc:42:14: error: 'class YAML::Parser' has no member named 'GetNextDocument'
> > parser.GetNextDocument(doc);
> > ^ ^
I have uploaded a fix to DELAYED/5-days, which backports the necessary
changes from upstream. Debdiff attached.
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nru rivet-1.8.3/debian/changelog rivet-1.8.3/debian/changelog
--- rivet-1.8.3/debian/changelog 2013-05-08 15:03:05.000000000 +0200
+++ rivet-1.8.3/debian/changelog 2013-11-23 13:57:02.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+rivet (1.8.3-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * debian/patches/yaml-cpp-v5-support.patch: New patch, porting rivet to
+ version 5 of the YAML API, backported from upstream revisions 3434, 3442,
+ 3459-3463 and 3484-3486 (Closes: #724223).
+ -- Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org> Sat, 23 Nov 2013 12:05:19 +0100
rivet (1.8.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
diff -Nru rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/series rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/series
--- rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/series 2013-05-08 15:03:05.000000000 +0200
+++ rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/series 2013-11-23 12:04:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
diff -Nru rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/yaml-cpp-v5-support.patch rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/yaml-cpp-v5-support.patch
--- rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/yaml-cpp-v5-support.patch 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ rivet-1.8.3/debian/patches/yaml-cpp-v5-support.patch 2013-11-23 14:03:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+Index: rivet-1.8.3/include/Rivet/Exceptions.hh
+--- rivet-1.8.3.orig/include/Rivet/Exceptions.hh 2013-11-23 13:57:29.088692432 +0100
++++ rivet-1.8.3/include/Rivet/Exceptions.hh 2013-11-23 13:57:33.016712905 +0100
+@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
+ };
++ /// @brief Error specialisation for failures relating to analysis info.
++ class InfoError : public Error {
++ public:
++ InfoError(const std::string& what) : Error(what) {}
++ };
+ /// @brief Errors relating to event/bin weights
+ ///
+ /// Arises in computing statistical quantities because e.g. the bin
+Index: rivet-1.8.3/src/Core/AnalysisInfo.cc
+--- rivet-1.8.3.orig/src/Core/AnalysisInfo.cc 2013-11-23 13:57:29.088692432 +0100
++++ rivet-1.8.3/src/Core/AnalysisInfo.cc 2013-11-23 13:57:33.040713027 +0100
+@@ -35,134 +35,197 @@
+ // Read data from YAML document
+ MSG_DEBUG("Reading analysis data from " << datapath);
+- std::ifstream io(datapath.c_str());
+- YAML::Parser parser(io);
+ YAML::Node doc;
+ try {
++ std::ifstream file(datapath.c_str());
++ YAML::Parser parser(file);
+ parser.GetNextDocument(doc);
+- //cout << doc << endl;
++ doc = YAML::LoadFile(datapath);
++ #endif
+ } catch (const YAML::ParserException& ex) {
+ MSG_ERROR("Parse error when reading analysis data from " << datapath << " (" << ex.what() << ")");
+ return ai;
+ }
+- for (YAML::Iterator it = doc.begin(); it != doc.end(); ++it) {
+- string key;
+- it.first() >> key;
+- stringstream sec;
+- // sec << it.second();
+- // const string secstr = sec.str().substr(0, sec.str().length()-1);
+- // MSG_TRACE(key << ": " << secstr);
+- try {
+- if (key == "Name") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_name;
+- } else if (key == "Summary") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_summary;
+- } else if (key == "Experiment") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_experiment;
+- } else if (key == "Beams") {
+- const YAML::Node& beampairs = it.second();
+- vector<PdgIdPair> beam_pairs;
+- if (beampairs.size() == 2 &&
+- beampairs[0].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar &&
+- beampairs[1].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
+- string bstr0, bstr1;
+- beampairs[0] >> bstr0;
+- beampairs[1] >> bstr1;
+- beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(bstr0, bstr1);
+- } else {
+- for (YAML::Iterator bpi = beampairs.begin(); bpi != beampairs.end(); ++bpi) {
+- const YAML::Node& bp = *bpi;
+- if (bp.size() == 2 &&
+- bp[0].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar &&
+- bp[1].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
+- string bstr0, bstr1;
+- bp[0] >> bstr0;
+- bp[1] >> bstr1;
+- beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(bstr0, bstr1);
+- } else {
+- assert(0 && "Beam ID pairs have to be either a 2-tuple or a list of 2-tuples of particle names");
+- }
++ #define THROW_INFOERR(KEY) throw InfoError("Problem in info parsing while accessing key " + string(KEY) + " in file " + datapath)
++ // Simple scalars (test for nullness before casting)
++ /// @todo Fix
++ #define TRY_GETINFO(KEY, VAR) try { if (doc.FindValue(KEY)) { string val; doc[KEY] >> val; ai->_ ## VAR = val; } } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR(KEY); }
++ #define TRY_GETINFO(KEY, VAR) try { if (doc[KEY] && !doc[KEY].IsNull()) ai->_ ## VAR = doc[KEY].as<string>(); } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR(KEY); }
++ #endif
++ TRY_GETINFO("Name", name);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Summary", summary);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Status", status);
++ TRY_GETINFO("RunInfo", runInfo);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Description", description);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Experiment", experiment);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Collider", collider);
++ TRY_GETINFO("Year", year);
++ TRY_GETINFO("SpiresID", spiresId);
++ TRY_GETINFO("InspireID", inspireId);
++ TRY_GETINFO("BibKey", bibKey);
++ TRY_GETINFO("BibTeX", bibTeX);
++ #undef TRY_GETINFO
++ // Sequences (test the seq *and* each entry for nullness before casting)
++ /// @todo Fix
++ #define TRY_GETINFO_SEQ(KEY, VAR) try { \
++ if (const YAML::Node* VAR = doc.FindValue(KEY)) { \
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < VAR->size(); ++i) { \
++ string val; (*VAR)[i] >> val; ai->_ ## VAR += val; \
++ } } } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR(KEY); }
++ #define TRY_GETINFO_SEQ(KEY, VAR) try { \
++ if (doc[KEY] && !doc[KEY].IsNull()) { \
++ const YAML::Node& VAR = doc[KEY]; \
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < VAR.size(); ++i) \
++ if (!VAR[i].IsNull()) ai->_ ## VAR += VAR[i].as<string>(); \
++ } } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR(KEY); }
++ #endif
++ TRY_GETINFO_SEQ("Authors", authors);
++ TRY_GETINFO_SEQ("References", references);
++ TRY_GETINFO_SEQ("ToDo", todos);
++ // A boolean with some name flexibility
++ try {
++ bool val;
++ if (const YAML::Node* n = doc.FindValue("NeedsCrossSection")) { *n >> val; ai->_needsCrossSection = val; }
++ if (const YAML::Node* n = doc.FindValue("NeedCrossSection")) { *n >> val; ai->_needsCrossSection = val; }
++ if (doc["NeedsCrossSection"]) ai->_needsCrossSection = doc["NeedsCrossSection"].as<bool>();
++ else if (doc["NeedCrossSection"]) ai->_needsCrossSection = doc["NeedCrossSection"].as<bool>();
++ #endif
++ } catch (...) {
++ THROW_INFOERR("NeedsCrossSection|NeedCrossSection");
++ }
++ // Beam particle identities
++ try {
++ if (const YAML::Node* pbeampairs = doc.FindValue("Beams")) {
++ const YAML::Node& beampairs = *pbeampairs;
++ vector<PdgIdPair> beam_pairs;
++ if (beampairs.size() == 2 &&
++ beampairs[0].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar &&
++ beampairs[1].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
++ string bstr0, bstr1;
++ beampairs[0] >> bstr0;
++ beampairs[1] >> bstr1;
++ beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(bstr0, bstr1);
++ } else {
++ for (YAML::Iterator bpi = beampairs.begin(); bpi != beampairs.end(); ++bpi) {
++ const YAML::Node& bp = *bpi;
++ if (bp.size() == 2 &&
++ bp[0].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar &&
++ bp[1].Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
++ string bstr0, bstr1;
++ bp[0] >> bstr0;
++ bp[1] >> bstr1;
++ beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(bstr0, bstr1);
++ } else {
++ throw InfoError("Beam ID pairs have to be either a 2-tuple or a list of 2-tuples of particle names");
+ }
+ }
+- ai->_beams = beam_pairs;
+ }
+- else if (key == "Energies") {
+- const YAML::Node& energies = it.second();
+- vector<pair<double,double> > beam_energy_pairs;
+- for (YAML::Iterator be = energies.begin(); be != energies.end(); ++be) {
+- if (be->Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
+- // If beam energy is a scalar, then assume symmetric beams each with half that energy
++ ai->_beams = beam_pairs;
++ }
++ if (doc["Beams"]) {
++ const YAML::Node& beams = doc["Beams"];
++ vector<PdgIdPair> beam_pairs;
++ if (beams.size() == 2 && beams[0].IsScalar() && beams[0].IsScalar()) {
++ beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(beams[0].as<string>(), beams[1].as<string>());
++ } else {
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < beams.size(); ++i) {
++ const YAML::Node& bp = beams[i];
++ if (bp.size() != 2 || !bp[0].IsScalar() || !bp[0].IsScalar())
++ throw InfoError("Beam ID pairs have to be either a 2-tuple or a list of 2-tuples of particle names");
++ beam_pairs += make_pdgid_pair(bp[0].as<string>(), bp[1].as<string>());
++ }
++ }
++ ai->_beams = beam_pairs;
++ }
++ #endif
++ } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR("Beams"); }
++ // Beam energies
++ try {
++ if (const YAML::Node* penergies = doc.FindValue("Energies")) {
++ const YAML::Node& energies = *penergies;
++ vector<pair<double,double> > beam_energy_pairs;
++ for (YAML::Iterator be = energies.begin(); be != energies.end(); ++be) {
++ if (be->Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) {
++ // If beam energy is a scalar, then assume symmetric beams each with half that energy
++ double sqrts;
++ *be >> sqrts;
++ beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(sqrts/2.0, sqrts/2.0);
++ } else if (be->Type() == YAML::NodeType::Sequence) {
++ const YAML::Node& beseq = *be;
++ // If the sub-sequence is of length 1, then it's another scalar sqrt(s)!
++ if (beseq.size() == 1) {
+ double sqrts;
+- *be >> sqrts;
++ (*be)[0] >> sqrts;
+ beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(sqrts/2.0, sqrts/2.0);
+- } else if (be->Type() == YAML::NodeType::Sequence) {
+- const YAML::Node& beseq = *be;
+- // If the sub-sequence is of length 1, then it's another scalar sqrt(s)!
+- if (beseq.size() == 1) {
+- double sqrts;
+- (*be)[0] >> sqrts;
+- beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(sqrts/2.0, sqrts/2.0);
+- } else if (beseq.size() == 2) {
+- vector<double> beamenergies;
+- double beamenergy0, beamenergy1;
+- beseq[0] >> beamenergy0;
+- beseq[1] >> beamenergy1;
+- beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(beamenergy0, beamenergy1);
+- } else {
+- assert(0 && "Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
+- }
++ } else if (beseq.size() == 2) {
++ vector<double> beamenergies;
++ double beamenergy0, beamenergy1;
++ beseq[0] >> beamenergy0;
++ beseq[1] >> beamenergy1;
++ beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(beamenergy0, beamenergy1);
+ } else {
+- assert(0 && "Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
++ throw InfoError("Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
+ }
++ } else {
++ throw InfoError("Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
+ }
+- ai->_energies = beam_energy_pairs;
+- } else if (key == "Collider") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_collider;
+- } else if (key == "SpiresID") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_spiresId;
+- } else if (key == "BibKey") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_bibKey;
+- } else if (key == "BibTeX") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_bibTeX;//Body;
+- } else if (key == "Status") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_status;
+- } else if (key == "ToDo") {
+- const YAML::Node& todos = it.second();
+- for (YAML::Iterator todo = todos.begin(); todo != todos.end(); ++todo) {
+- string s;
+- *todo >> s;
+- ai->_todos += s;
+- }
+- } else if (key == "NeedCrossSection" || key == "NeedsCrossSection") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_needsCrossSection;
+- } else if (key == "RunInfo") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_runInfo;
+- } else if (key == "Description") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_description;
+- } else if (key == "Year") {
+- it.second() >> ai->_year;
+- } else if (key == "Authors") {
+- const YAML::Node& authors = it.second();
+- for (YAML::Iterator a = authors.begin(); a != authors.end(); ++a) {
+- string astr;
+- *a >> astr;
+- ai->_authors += astr;
+- }
+- } else if (key == "References") {
+- const YAML::Node& refs = it.second();
+- for (YAML::Iterator r = refs.begin(); r != refs.end(); ++r) {
+- string rstr;
+- *r >> rstr;
+- ai->_references += rstr;
++ }
++ ai->_energies = beam_energy_pairs;
++ }
++ if (doc["Energies"]) {
++ vector< pair<double,double> > beam_energy_pairs;
++ for (size_t i = 0; i < doc["Energies"].size(); ++i) {
++ const YAML::Node& be = doc["Energies"][i];
++ if (be.IsScalar()) {
++ // If beam energy is a scalar, then assume symmetric beams each with half that energy
++ beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(be.as<double>()/2.0, be.as<double>()/2.0);
++ } else if (be.IsSequence()) {
++ if (be.size() != 2)
++ throw InfoError("Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
++ beam_energy_pairs += make_pair(be[0].as<double>(), be[1].as<double>());
++ } else {
++ throw InfoError("Beam energies have to be a list of either numbers or pairs of numbers");
+ }
+ }
+- } catch (const YAML::RepresentationException& ex) {
+- Log::getLog("Rivet.Analysis")
+- << Log::WARN << "Type error when reading analysis data '"
+- << key << "' from " << datapath << endl;
++ ai->_energies = beam_energy_pairs;
+ }
+- }
++ #endif
++ } catch (...) { THROW_INFOERR("Energies"); }
+ MSG_TRACE("AnalysisInfo pointer = " << ai);
+ return ai;
+ }
+Index: rivet-1.8.3/src/Core/Makefile.am
+--- rivet-1.8.3.orig/src/Core/Makefile.am 2013-11-23 13:57:29.088692432 +0100
++++ rivet-1.8.3/src/Core/Makefile.am 2013-11-23 13:57:33.040713027 +0100
+@@ -6,10 +6,4 @@
+ Analysis.cc AnalysisLoader.cc AnalysisInfo.cc \
+ AnalysisHandler.cc Run.cc ProjectionHandler.cc HistoHandler.cc
+-libRivetCore_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
+-libRivetCore_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/src/Tools
+-libRivetCore_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(YAML_CPPINCPATH)
+-libRivetCore_la_CPPFLAGS += $(CPPFLAGS)
+Index: rivet-1.8.3/configure.ac
+--- rivet-1.8.3.orig/configure.ac 2013-11-23 13:57:29.088692432 +0100
++++ rivet-1.8.3/configure.ac 2013-11-23 13:57:33.044713053 +0100
+@@ -138,14 +138,23 @@
+-## Build Doxygen if possible
+- [AC_HELP_STRING(--disable-doxygen, [don't try to make Doxygen documentation])],
+- [], [enable_doxygen=yes])
+-if test x$enable_doxygen = xyes; then
++## yaml-cpp metadata file parsing library
++AC_CEDAR_LIBRARYANDHEADERS([yaml-cpp], , , [AC_MSG_ERROR([yaml-cpp is required])])
++dnl AC_CHECK_HEADER([yaml-cpp/yaml.h], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([yaml-cpp/yaml.h header not found.])])
++AC_CHECK_HEADER([yaml-cpp/node/node.h], [YAMLCPP_MAJOR_VERSION=5])
++if test "x$YAMLCPP_MAJOR_VERSION" = x; then
++ AC_MSG_ERROR([yaml-cpp API version could not be determined])
+ fi
+ ## Disable build/install of standard analyses
+@@ -206,16 +215,20 @@
+ fi
+ AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_PDFMANUAL, [test x$enable_pdfmanual = xyes])
++## Build Doxygen documentation if possible
++ [AC_HELP_STRING(--disable-doxygen, [don't try to make Doxygen documentation])],
++ [], [enable_doxygen=yes])
++if test x$enable_doxygen = xyes; then
+ ## Build asciidoc docs if possible
+-## Test to see if we have to install libyaml-cpp
+-AC_CEDAR_LIBRARYANDHEADERS([yaml-cpp], , , [AC_MSG_NOTICE([Rivet will install the yaml-cpp library])])
+ ## Python extension
+ AC_ARG_ENABLE(pyext, [AC_HELP_STRING(--disable-pyext,
+ [don't build Python module (default=build)])],
+@@ -332,7 +345,7 @@
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(include/Makefile include/Rivet/Makefile)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(src/Makefile)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(src/Core/Makefile)
+-AC_CONFIG_FILES(src/Tools/Makefile src/Tools/yaml-cpp/Makefile)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(src/Projections/Makefile)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(src/Analyses/Makefile)
+ AC_CONFIG_FILES(test/Makefile)
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