Bug#715672: [Mayhem] Bug report on rheolef: bamg crashes with exit status 139

Pierre Saramito Pierre.Saramito at imag.fr
Tue Sep 17 18:00:58 UTC 2013

Hi Alexandre,

> From Alexandre Rebert:
> Package: rheolef
> bamg crashes with exit status 139. We confirmed the crash by
> re-running it in a fresh debian unstable installation.

Many thanks for your help: the bug is now fixed in the forthcoming
rheolef-6.5 that will be available with the next upload.

The command now exit cleanly with error status 1.

 % bamg -g A -H
	bamg: missing argument for option `-H'
	HINT: see documentation or enter bamg -h
 % echo $?


Pierre.Saramito at imag.fr
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, France

Pierre.Saramito at imag.fr
Directeur de Recherche CNRS
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble, France

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