Bug#744116: meep-mpich2: rebuild against new libmpich version?

Colin Watson cjwatson at debian.org
Thu Apr 10 11:39:07 UTC 2014

Package: meep-mpich2
Version: 1.1.1-10
Severity: normal


meep-mpich2 is built against libmpich2-3 in unstable.  However,
libmpich2-3 comes from the mpich2 (1.4.1-4.2) source package, most of
whose binary packages have been taken over by the mpich (3.1-4) source
package, which builds libmpich12.  I infer that the mpich2 source
package is due to be removed once nothing depends on its remaining
binary package any more.

libmpich doesn't seem to use versioned symbols, so it's probably not
safe to load two different versions of it into the same process; under
the usual rules I think that would mean that meep-mpich2 could only
switch to a new version if it changed its own SONAME at the same time.
However, right now, libmeep-mpich2-6 has no reverse-dependencies other
than meep-mpich2, and that depends on mpich2 which eventually ends up
depending on the new libmpich; so it may well be broken right now anyway
and I think you could safely rebuild it.

If you agree, a reupload shouldn't be necessary, and the release team
should be able to do a binNMU for you on request.  But if there is a
problem, then I think you need to sort out some other strategy, because
at the moment any upload of meep-mpich2 will cause it to link against
the new libmpich.


Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at debian.org]

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