Including netcdf4 suppport in paraview (was: How do I find the paraview ubuntu packager?)
wookey at
Wed Aug 6 20:38:23 UTC 2014
+++ David E DeMarle [2014-08-06 16:14 -0400]:
> Hi Wookey,
> Do you happen to be, know or know how I can get in touch with the ubuntu
> paraview packager maintainer?
Is there a reason you think I might know something in this area (apart from being a DD?)
Looking at the Debian PTS: ( ) I see it's maintained by Debian Science team, and the patch for Ubuntu ( does nothing significant, nor is there a particular Ubuntu maintainer.
A Christophe Prud'homme is mentioned. Now I know a Thomas Preud'Homme
who is a debian developer, but they do appear to be different people -
I guess Preud'homme is a relatively common French name.
So no I don't know I know the maintainers in any useful way. I suggest
using asking the Debian science packages (CCed):
debian-science-maintainers at
(maybe you already tried this?)
Filing a 'wishlist' bug against the package is a good way to give
details of the change you want and make sure it doesn't get forgotten.
> I would like to try to convince him or her
> to set a paraview config flag so that it can open netcdf4 (hdf5 backed)
> files.
So, maintainers. Does this re quest mean something to you? Can you add
this flag for the nice man from Kitware (I like Kitware, they make great software)?
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