Bug#755558: wxastrocapture: Patch for wx3.0 support

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Tue Aug 12 02:27:22 UTC 2014

Control: tags 755558 + patch

Attached is a patch for wx3.0 support for wxastrocapture.

I don't have a suitable camera, but the basics of the UI seem to work
as far as I can tell having never used this app before.

It does pop up a dialog on startup complaining that locale en_US isn't
found, but that looks to be unrelated to my changes - the upstream code
has this gem:

   // we really want C locale, but it seems not available, so try english instead
   // The purpose is to make sure all numbers are formatted using full stop
   // instead of comma when the users locale is something different than C locale.
   // This brute force seems like the only way.
   //CA m_locale.Init(wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage());

I'm happy to NMU these changes, though some testing from someone who
actually uses this app first would be good.

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