Bug#739895: python-taurus-doc: ships with duplicates of Tango icons, and icons that could be shared

Andrei POPESCU andreimpopescu at gmail.com
Sun Feb 23 18:05:44 UTC 2014

Control: reassign -1 src:taurus

On Du, 23 feb 14, 17:10:13, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Source: python-taurus-doc
> Severity: normal
> The binary package python-taurus-doc ships with a large compilation of
> icons.  Some from the Tango set, and some from another RRZE set.
> Please save space by recommending tango-icon-team and replace Tango
> icons with symlinks.
> Also, please consider packaging an independent rrze-icon-theme package
> using http://rrze-icon-set.berlios.de/ as upstream source, and similarly
> recommend + symlink those.
> Regards,
>  - Jonas

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