Bug#720092: Please package ocl

Andrey Gursky andrey.gursky at e-mail.ua
Wed Jan 8 13:27:04 UTC 2014


oh, your reply on 24. Sep. 2013 was addressed only to
720092 at bugs.debian.org and wasn't being cc'ed, so I have not received
a copy of it.

On Christmas holidays I've tried to build opencv with opencl support
on Debian Jessie without(!) proprietary OpenCL SDK. It is enough to
install just 2 additional packages: ocl-icd-dev and ocl-icd-opencl-dev
in make opencv automatically discover a presence of OpenCL support and
enable building the ocl module. So you could for now just extend
build-depends on these 2 packages from main.

There will be no proprietary/contrib dependencies for installing the
future package libopencv-ocl. Once one needs to use it, then only
these users will have to install some non-free OpenCL ICD from
amd/intel/nvidia. Or(!) one can install locally some free (though not
100% functioning) OpenCL ICD and use it. I can't see no impacts on the
opencv ocl module itself. This was the idea of OpenCL ICD: one can
link to the loader (e.g. libOpenCL.so from ocl-icd-libopencl1) but
then use a proprietary one.

If it works out with Gallium - it would be great! But the main thing
for now is to have the ocl module packaged and then one can experiment
with the either OpenCL implementation.


2014/1/8, Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu at nigauri.org>:
> Hi,
> I looked again this problem. We can use the Mesa (Gallium) of X.org to
> non-free except for libraries.
>   http://www.x.org/wiki/GalliumStatus/
>   http://www.x.org/wiki/XorgEVoC/GalliumCompute/
> Is this right?
> Best regards,
>   Nobuhiro
> 2013/9/24 Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu at nigauri.org>:
>> Hi,
>>> Source: opencv
>>> Version: 2.4.5+dfsg-0exp1
>>> Severity: normal
>>> Hi,
>>> there is a "new" module in opencv: ocl, allowing using OpenCL. It is
>>> introduced almost a year ago [1]:
>>> 2.4.3 (November 2012):
>>> Technology-preview version of ocl - OpenCL-accelerated computer vision
>>> algorithms, contributed by the Chinese Academy of Science
>>> and it has been improved in consecutive releases:
>>> 2.4.4 (March 2013):
>>> The openCL-based hardware acceleration (ocl) module is now mature,
>>> and, with numerous bug fixes, it is largely bug-free.
>>> 2.4.5 (April 2013):
>>> there are further improvements and extensions in ocl module:...
>>> 2.4.6 (July 2013):
>>> Binary compatiblility with both OpenCL 1.1/1.2 platforms. Now the
>>> binaries compiled with any of AMD/Intel/Nvidia's SDK can run on all
>>> other platforms.
>>> Please, consider packaging this module.
>> I support the ocl module in opencv is difficult in Debian.
>> Because OCL SDK is in non-free section.
>> When opencv is dependent on the OCL SDK if, opencv is in contrib section.
>> Because I want to distribute opencv in the main section, I will not
>> support ocl module.
>> Does this work for you?
>> Best regards,
>>   Nobuhiro
>> --
>> Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
>>    iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
>>    GPG ID: 40AD1FA6
> --
> Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
>    iwamatsu at {nigauri.org / debian.org}
>    GPG ID: 40AD1FA6

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