octomap_1.6.6-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda leo at alaxarxa.net
Fri Jul 11 22:23:01 UTC 2014

El Divendres, 11 de juliol de 2014, a les 13:00:05, Thorsten Alteholz va 
> Dear Maintainer,
> unfortunately I have to reject your package.
> According to your debian/copyright alle files under octovis/* are GPLv2.
> However I found files under GPLv2+, GPLv2 or GPLv3 and the icons are
> even LGPLv3
> Please add those licenses and their copyright holder to debian/copyright
> as well.
> Thanks!
>  Thorsten
> ===
> Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
> your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our
> concerns.

Dear ftp-master,

first of all, thanks for your time. I'm sorry for this mistake. I didn't pay 
sufficient attention to the license. I'm newbie and I trust too much in the 
upstream descriptions.

Just a few comments:

- I have not found any license file with GPLv2+ in upstream sources. Please, 
could you tell me which one?

- Yes, I didn't realize  about the icons directory. I will try to find the 
copyright holder (they mention a webpage that doesn't exist) and complete the 
copyright file.

- Upstream include a copy of the lib QGLViewer. I didn't use it because we 
have a package and we use it in octomap. Probably it's better to mention its 
own license in the copyright file. Or, what's is your recommendation?

Andreas, I will try to solve all this issues soon, please could you upload it 
again when it will be done?



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