current status of mpi-default-dev for mpich/mpich2 arches (and scalapack in particular)

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at
Tue Mar 4 13:37:28 UTC 2014

Hi Michael,

Le mardi 04 mars 2014 à 13:18 +0100, Michael Banck a écrit :

> cp2k FTBFS on s390x[1], because:
> 1. The content of /usr/share/mpi-default-dev/debian_defaults on
> mpich-arches is currently "mpich" in unstable, TTBOMK.
> 2. The scalapack (and blacs, I believe) libraries contain a
> "" symlink.
> 3. In DebiChem, we have several packages which link to scalapack, and
> sofar we used something like this snippet to figure out which library to
> link in:
> include /usr/share/mpi-default-dev/debian_defaults

Note that I have requested a binNMU on scalapack (#740620) which should
solve this specific issue. petsc is currently affected by the same
problem as cp2k.

I don't know if we need to think of a better solution to this problem.
As long as mpich does not get renamed again in the foreseeable future,
this may not be necessary.


 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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