Bug#741196: libpetsc3.4.2: libpetsc.so.3.4.2 links with both GPL-licensed and GPL-incompatible libraries

Julien Cristau julien.cristau at logilab.fr
Tue May 13 09:37:17 UTC 2014

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On Sun, Mar  9, 2014 at 22:26:06 +0100, Francesco Poli (wintermute) wrote:

>   => libptscotch-5.1.so and libptscotcherr-5.1.so, which are released
>      under the GPL-incompatible terms of the CeCILL-C v1.0 license
Do you have a reference for this claimed incompatibility?

Julien Cristau          <julien.cristau at logilab.fr>
Logilab		        http://www.logilab.fr/
Informatique scientifique & gestion de connaissances

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