gazebo_3.0.0+dfsg-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Jose Luis Rivero jrivero at
Mon Sep 22 15:44:48 UTC 2014

Hello Anton, Thorsten:

On 15/09/14 14:00, Thorsten Alteholz wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> unfortunately I have to reject your package. 
> On a short glimpse I found the following licenses that you did not mention in your debian/copyright:
>  doc/search.js:// Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL.
>  tools/ Software License Agreement (BSD License)
>  deps/parallel_quickstep/CMakeModules/FindCUDA/make2cmake.cmake:# The MIT License
>  deps/threadpool/boost/threadpool/pool.hpp:* Boost Software License, Version 1.0
>  deps/opende/include/ode/ode.h: * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.
>  deps/opende/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h: GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.
> There might be other stuff missing.
> Please add all licenses/copyright information to debian/copyright.

Thanks very much for the review, as usual, your reasons for rejecting
are right. For some reason I forgot to update the Copyright when I
inherited the package from the old uploader. Sorry about that.

@Anton: the problem should be fixed in, I
believe that we need to submit it again to the new queue.

Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero at>

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