Bug#741196: libpetsc3.4.2: libpetsc.so.3.4.2 links with both GPL-licensed and GPL-incompatible libraries

Francesco Poli invernomuto at paranoici.org
Sat Sep 27 14:35:14 UTC 2014

On Sun, 14 Sep 2014 23:04:21 +0200 Sylvestre Ledru wrote:

> On 14/09/2014 16:11, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 23:00:22 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:
> >
> > [...]
> >> I am more and more worried by the lack of answers from the
> >> FTP Masters.
> >>
> >>
> >> Bye.
> > Hello again FTP Masters,
> > just a friendly ping about this troublesome issue.
> >
> > Please please please express your opinion!
> >
> I am not part of the ftpmaster team but I think they have plenty of
> works with the latest transitions for Jessie to worry
> about license incompatibility.

Your comment almost seems to suggest that license incompatibilities are
to be considered as minor issues...
You probably didn't mean it.
I think that license incompatibilities are serious and urgent issues,
since they may cause packages to be legally undistributable.

I waited for some more time, in the hope to receive some reply, but
nothing arrived, unfortunately.

Dear Sylvestre, what do you suggest to do?

Julien and Anton do not seem to believe that there actually is an
issue, unless they see some official statement from the FTP Masters,
but this statement seems to never arrive.
In the meantime, the severity of the bug report has been downgraded
below the RC threshold.

I assume good faith on Julien's and Anton's side, but, nevertheless,
this looks very similar to a clever tactic to obtain a "virtual"
jessie-ignore tag without actually asking for it...

 fsck is a four letter word...
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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