Bug#785384: arduino-mk: attiny example does not build

Simon John debian at the-jedi.co.uk
Tue Jun 2 22:18:18 UTC 2015

On Mon, 18 May 2015 16:17:34 +0200 Michal Suchanek
<michal.suchanek at ruk.cuni.cz> wrote:
> Package: arduino-mk
> Version: 1.3.4-1
> Followup-For: Bug #785384
> Hello,
> FWIW the example does build with the attiny core from
> https://github.com/damellis/attiny/ (the 1.0 branch).

It also works with the (IMHO better - 3x hardware PWM for example)
arduino-tiny core from https://code.google.com/p/arduino-tiny/

If you try arduino-mk 1.5-2 it adds IDE 1.6 support (you'd have to
install the 1.6 IDE locally and set ARDUINO_DIR) whilst remaining
backwards-compatible with 1.0.5 from Debian, and a bunch of new features
of course.

Here's the Makefiles I use to flash ATtiny chips:

# arduino-tiny:
ISP_PROG = usbasp
BOARD_TAG = attiny2313at1
include /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk

# damellis (1.0):
ISP_PROG = usbasp
BOARD_TAG = attiny85
include /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk

# damellis (1.6):
ISP_PROG = usbasp
BOARD_TAG = attiny
BOARD_SUB = attiny85
F_CPU = 16000000L
ARDUINO_DIR = ($HOME)/arduino-1.6.4
include /usr/share/arduino/Arduino.mk

> I still have no idea how to install the core system-wide in /usr/share
> but installing it in user sketchbook does work. I rebuilt the
> ATtinyBlink example with it and uploaded it with micronucleus by hand.

I don't really see the point in installing the core system-wide, but I'm
sure it can be done by setting some of the variables documented at:


> Automated support for micronucleus is not available afaict.

I don't know what a micronucleus is but I suspect it would work by
ISP'ing as if it were a bare chip?

> My board has USB on pin 3 and led on pin 1 so I had blinking USB bus
> instead of led after uploading. Verifies that uploads work all right.

The example sketch actually mentions that you may need to change the led

> Unfortunately, not all the files in the attiny core project have clear
> licensing terms so including this core in Debian would be problematic.

No idea. Both of the cores seem a bit dead, so I doubt this could happen.

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