Bug#723457: libticables link with -L/usr/lib

James Cowgill james410 at cowgill.org.uk
Tue Mar 3 16:51:55 UTC 2015

Control: tags -1 patch
Control: retitle -1 libticables: FTBFS on mips64el - undefined reference to 'cable_ser'


On Wed, 6 Aug 2014 15:00:13 -0300 ferseiti at br.ibm.com wrote:
> Hello Andi.
> Yes, my bad. I referred to the same bug number I was writing on. It is 
> actually the bug report #755859 I wanted to refer to.
> The patch is to ppc64el, but I think it can be applied to mips64el with 
> the right adjustments.

I looked at that patch and made another which does a similar thing on
mips64el (and I merged mips entries together to simplify things a bit).

I changed the bug title since this is really a mips64el FTBFS bug. I
also couldn't find any uses of straight /usr/lib anywhere (including the
original build log) so I'm not sure where the original title came
from :/  Hopefully that's ok.


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