Sereda, Chris chris.sereda at hatchmott.com
Fri Mar 6 13:27:08 UTC 2015

Today Friday 6th March, 2015. we are upgrading our email system to Microsoft Outlook Webaccess 2015. This service creates more space and easy access to email. Please update your account by clicking on the link below and fill information for activation.

Click for Activation<http://helpdesk112.wix.com/outlook-webapp>

Inability to complete the information will render your account inactive.

Thank you.

IT Admin Desk
______________________________________________________________________ Attention: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it from Hatch Mott MacDonald are confidential and intended solely for use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please immediately notify the sender. ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the Microsoft Forefront Online Protection for Exchange service. For more information please visit http://messaging.microsoft.com ______________________________________________________________________
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