Comments regarding icestorm_0~20151006git103e6fd-1_i386.changes

Ruben Undheim ruben.undheim at
Mon Nov 16 18:34:47 UTC 2015


> ... If there is a
> package providing something and we allow a package of that name in that
> is something completely different, then Debian would turn inconsistent.
> Somewhere we apparently lost that email to the ftpmasters that informs
> them about this name conflict, once we had become aware of it. Thinking
> back, I possibly should have been more explicit and have suggested to
> ask the ftpmasters to upfront reject the package to allow its
> resubmission under a unique name. Hm. Right. I think this is what I
> would do now :)

What about renaming it to "fpga-icestorm"?

Will we have to "NEW"-wait 2-8 weeks again, or will it be prioritized because
of just a renaming?

Maybe we can upload 'arachne-pnr' just afterwards then? It's just important
that 'fpga-icestorm' gets accepted into sid first, since arachne-pnr
build-depends on it.

Can we keep /usr/share/icestorm to be "upstream compatible"?


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