Bug#818990: About bug #818990

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Mon Apr 11 19:17:29 UTC 2016


I'm Snark on IRC ; this is about :


where you have FTBFS on my flint 2.5.2-3 package (a failing unit test on 

When I tried to build my package, it failed because of a documentation 
problem, and not because of a unit test problem as in your report, so I 
prepared a 2.5.2-4 package fixing this doc issue, and tried again... but 
it compiled ok!

I made this 2.5.2-4 available on mentors, so you should be able to give 
it a try with:
dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/f/flint/flint_2.5.2-4.dsc
pbuilder build flint_2.5.2-4.dsc

I have no clue why 2.5.2-3 would fail on amd64, and 2.5.2-4 should only 
fix a change in texlive, so any feedback would be welcome.


Snark on #debian-science

PS: CC-ing the bug this time

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