Bug#818990: <SPAM> Re: About bug #818990

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Tue Apr 12 17:47:23 UTC 2016


On 12/04/2016 19:12, Chris Lamb wrote:
>> Did you get your failures on the same box each time you saw the failure?
> Yes. We can also reproduce a FTBFS on the reproducible builds testing framework:
>   https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/rb-pkg/unstable/amd64/flint.html

Uh... you tell me "Yes" to the question on having seen the problem on a 
single box, then you go on telling me you see it elsewhere... Was it a 
"No" after all?

>> What could be the difference?
> Don't know, sorry. Good luck!

Well, does the box run unstable too?
What is the gcc version? [it is 5.3.1-14 on the three systems I have used]


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