Bug#833383: ros-std-msgs: split headers and message definitions

Jochen Sprickerhof debian-bts at jochen.sprickerhof.de
Fri Aug 5 08:28:46 UTC 2016

* ddomenichelli at drdanz.it <ddomenichelli at drdanz.it> [2016-08-05 00:05]:
> These messages definition could be used to generate bindings for other programming languages and/or frameworks.

Good point :).

> I'd like to have it in a separate package, with a very small number of dependencies.
> In an ideal situation I'd like to call from CMake something like this:
>  find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
>  generate_bindings("$std_msgs_MSG_DIR}/std_msgs/String.msg")

So we move everything in /usr/share/std_msgs, right?

Package: ros-std-msgs
Section: devel

Something like that?
Would you be interested in working on it?

Cheers Jochen
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