Bug#833383: ros-std-msgs: split headers and message definitions

Daniele E. Domenichelli ddomenichelli at drdanz.it
Tue Aug 16 15:41:37 UTC 2016

On 2016-08-11 23:13, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
>> But perhaps this is something that should be fixed upstream (i.e. in
>> catkin)? I'm not sure if it is still in development or if it is frozen
>> though, since for ROS2 they are using a different tool.
> Yes, talking to upstream about it is a good idea and judging from the
> git repo it is quite active:
> https://github.com/ros/catkin/commits/kinetic-devel

Is there a discussion upstream on some mailing list or some issue
tracker? Any suggestion about how to implement it?

> Btw. would you be interested to
> regularly work on the packages? There is still a lot that needs to be
> done, so we would be glad to have an other helping (and thinking ;) )
> hand. You can find the current process here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/Robotics/ROS

I'm happy to help with the message packages, I'm not sure about the 
packages, since I'm not a big ROS user (I use it mostly to test the
compatibility with YARP), but if I can help I'll be happy to.
Also btw, I'm working on packaging YARP, it would be great to have it in
the debianscience/robotics packages...

I'm attaching the patch for ros-common-msgs, I'm not sure about the
dependecies here. For example libactionlib-msgs-dev depends on
libstd-msgs-dev, probably because the messages in this library use
messages defined in ros-std-msgs. Therefore I added a dependency to
ros-std-msgs in the ros-actionlib-msgs package, since, in order to
generate bindings for some other language, this package must be
available. Anyway it is not strictly required as for a library that will
not work if the other is missing, so perhaps it should be recommended
instead? What do you think?

If this is ok for you, I will apply the same kind of patch to all the
other message packages and push the commit straight to the repositories,
otherwise let me know, and I will post the patches here one by one.

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