Bug#835930: kido: missing link libraries

Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda leo at alaxarxa.net
Tue Aug 30 20:46:51 UTC 2016

El Dimarts, 30 d'agost de 2016, a les 19:03:32, Gianfranco Costamagna va 
> control: reopen -1
> control: reassign -1 src:kido
> control: found -1 0.1.0+dfsg-1
> control: tags -1 patch
> control: tags -1 pending
> >I can confirm that this is not a bug in flann. As I said in a previous
> >message the problem is that the new flann version has incorporated lz4
> >code, so you must link against flann:
> >
> >$ pkg-config --libs flann
> >-lflann -lflann_cpp
> seems that kido was already linking the correct libraries, but the testsuite
> wasn't. with your great help fixing became trivial.
> BTW, why are you shipping a bundled lz4 library? this is against Debian
> policy, please consider using the system version.

because upstream do it. I have realized today that lz4 is embed. I'll contact 
with the author about that.

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