funds ready.

Dennis Oliseh dennisolisehesq at
Wed Aug 31 10:37:21 UTC 2016

Office of the Director, Corporate CommunicationsCentral Bank of Nigeria CBNMr. Isaac Okorafor
Date: 31st August 2016
Attention: Beneficiary.
This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract filepresently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received yourpayment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligationsgiving to you in respect to your payment.
Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials inthe bank and some Attorney as these are illegal act and you will have tostop if you wish to receive your payment immediately. After the Board ofdirector's meeting held in Abuja, we have resolved in finding a solution toyour problem.
We have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRE inEurope, America, Africa and Asia Pacific; this is part of aninstruction/mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contractpayment and debt re-scheduling. We will send you an ATM CARD which you willuse to withdraw your money via ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, andthe maximum daily limit is Fifteen ThousandUnited States Dollars ($15,000.00).

(1) Your Full Name(2) Full residential address.(3) Phone and Direct mobile Number 4. copy of a valid i.d
We shall be expecting to receive your information as you have to stop anyfurther communication with anybody or office. I repeat again here that youare receiving this money due to we have verified your file presently on mydesk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to yourlack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you inrespect to your payment from bank, remember this is not credit card whichyou will pay back later, you don't have to pay back we have already loadedyour fund in to the ATM CARD.
Mr. Isaac OkoraforOffice of the Director, Corporate CommunicationsCentral Bank of Nigeria CBNisaac.okorafor at
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