conflicts between VTK/XDMF and libloki

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at
Mon Dec 5 13:56:02 UTC 2016

I'm the maintainer of xdmf, which I packaged to work with VisIT and
related code (in particular CDAT, which  uses VISIT).

I originally packaged xdmf, recently moving up to xdmf3 as required by
VTK 7+. (I plan to submit a patch to VTK later to use the external xdmf
rather than its internal copy.)

However it appears that xdmf3 ships its own version of libloki, which
conflicts, especially /usr/include/loki/*

The xdmf version is similar except it applies its own patch to
/usr/include/loki/Visitor.h, where it passes Xdmf shared pointers, thus
breaking the API/ABI:


I'm at a loss what to do at this point - can the libloki and VTK
packagers give an opinion?

Best regards

Alastair McKinstry, <alastair at>, <mckinstry at>,
Misentropy: doubting that the Universe is becoming more disordered. 

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