Bug#811191: [regression] lapack 3.6.0 fails the testsuite

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Sat Jan 16 18:31:24 UTC 2016

Le samedi 16 janvier 2016 à 19:24 +0100, Matthias Klose a écrit :
> On 16.01.2016 18:00, Sébastien Villemot wrote:
> > I was aware of the failure but decided to nevertheless add  that
>  > testsuite as an autopkgtest, in order to make the test failures
> more visible.
> I'll never understand why people do that ... once Debian adds
> succeeding autopkg 
> tests as a requirement for migration to testing your're screwed.

Well, if the testsuite still fails by that time, I'll remove the test…
No big deal.

> You really should mark these as XFAIL (expected to fail) and still
> succeed the test.

I agree that marking it as XFAIL would be the best thing to do, but
autopkgtest does not provide such a feature (or am I missing

 .''`.    Sébastien Villemot
: :' :    Debian Developer
`. `'     http://sebastien.villemot.name
  `-      GPG Key: 4096R/381A7594

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