Bug#805010: ping: VTK 6.3.0 released

Gert Wollny gw.fossdev at gmail.com
Sun Jan 31 23:26:09 UTC 2016

Hello Anton,

well, it turns out that there is no version 6.2.1, so I've added only
the upstream patch to the package. 

> OK, just push into git.
Since I'm not (yet) in the debian-science group I don't have write
access to the vtk6 packaging git. Therefore, I've attached the change
set as a patch against the package source tree: 

> diffstat vtk6-6.2.0-dfsg1-6-fix-racecondition.patch 

 changelog                                             |   7 
 patches/96_concurrent_vtkLookupTableMapData_fix.patch | 198++ 
 patches/series                                        |   1 
 3 files changed, 206 insertions(+)

The 96_ patch applies cleanly, and I'm test building now (right now at
50% well within the Tcl bindings). 

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