Bug#822085: future of root-system: removal?

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Mon May 30 22:33:49 UTC 2016

Hi science people!

So, not root-system got entangled it Yet Another Transition (actually
this is only the remaining decrufting from sid): openssl.

The old binaries still there depend on libssl1.0.0, whilst now there is
libssl1.0.2, removing SSLv3 methods.
I also see this as a kind of important (as security-related) change that
really needs to be done.

I saw nobody willing to step trying to tackle and tame that huge beast,
I tried earlier in the year, but ran out of steam without managing to do
anything useful.

So, IMHO, we should just remove it, until somebody else doing another
physic PhD comes wanting to put it back for another bunch of years,
maybe improving the scripts around and making the maintenance easy also
to one-time shooters.

There are only 2 rdeps, fastjet and rivet, and they do it only for 2
binary packages, which could be just dropped¹.

I'm CCing the person listed in the Uploaders field of all those 3
packages, which seems to be gone.

If once again I'm not hearing any complaint in 2 weeks or so I'll team
upload rivet and fastjet to drop the binaries depending on root, and
then RM root itself.

Thanks for listening and reading till now :)

¹ On a related note, also fastject and river and their rdeps herwig++
and thepeg and their rdep pythia8 and its rdep hepmc could just go:
there is currently nobody caring, some have NMUs, and the maintainer is
seemingly gone.  They are not bothering me though, so I'm not going to
to ask for RM of them anytime soon.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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