python-spyder: "from spyder.plugins.editor import Editor" hangs the machine

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer perezmeyer at
Sat Nov 19 13:24:57 UTC 2016

reassign 844601 python-spyder 3.0.1+dfsg1-1

Hi Picca! Please next time you reassign a bug also CC the maintainer/team that 
receives the bug, else we don't get this very text you wrote above :-)

On sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016 12:40:25 ART picca wrote:
> Hello libqt5gui5 maintainer, I will reassign this bug to you since it seems
> that the segfault is in your library.

No, this not seems to be a Qt bug, and even less a Qt5 bug, as the lib 
mentioned in the backtrace is from Qt4. By looking at the bug log I am 
wondering if you are not happen to be mixing Qt4 and Qt5 in the same package.

Please double check all your dependencies that you are not mixing Qt4 and Qt5. 
And before reassigning to Qt please check that the issue is not in the 
bindings. Hint: try coding a minimal example.

Due to the above I'm reassigning you the bug.

> It can be caused by a missued of your
> library but nevertheless it should not segfault :).

Pass a null pointer to be dereferenced and you will get a segfault. And that's 
purely missuse.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

A child of five could understand this.
Fetch me a child of five.
 -- Groucho Marx

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
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