Bug#844601: python-spyder: "from spyder.plugins.editor import Editor" hangs the machine

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Sat Nov 19 14:02:27 UTC 2016

> From the original bug report (the only thing I had up to know):

I attached my backtrace in the bug report. this is why we are speaking about different things;)

> Then if the gdb backtrace in the original bug report is to be trusted then you are indeed mixing Qt4 and Qt5. And you can expect dragons for doing that ;-)

the original bactrace was done by the initial bug reporter

then I tryed to reproduce the failure and I also got a segfault, but for a different reason.

so I think that there is a problem in the python pyqt5 binding...

let's investigate


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