Bug#842092: dh-r: Please provide variables known from cdbs helper for R packages

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Oct 25 20:53:36 UTC 2016


I worked around the missing variables in the r-bioc-biocparallel
code by adding

debRreposname   := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Source:/ {print $$2}' | sed 's/r-\([a-z]\+\)-.*/\1/')
awkString       := "'/^(Package|Bundle):/ {print $$2 }'"
cranNameOrig    := $(shell awk "$(awkString)" DESCRIPTION)
cranName        := $(shell echo "$(cranNameOrig)" | tr A-Z a-z)
package         := r-$(debRreposname)-$(cranName)
debRdir         := usr/lib/R/site-library
debRlib         := $(CURDIR)/debian/$(package)/$(debRdir)

to debian/rules.  Please note that the calculation of debRreposname
would be an enhancement over r-cran.mk since formerly you needed to
specify debRreposname if it was different from the default cran.

Please also note that I skipped some "if-else" statements to simplify
things - it would be safer to copy the code from r-cran.mk (and add
debRreposname code if you agree that this is more elegant).

BTW, I could even imagine that this kind of dh_fixperms becomes
unneeded at all since it makes probably sense to chmod -x all *.R
files in the package.  What do you think?

Kind regards



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