useful information

Mathieu Malaterre werner at
Mon Aug 7 13:05:19 UTC 2017


I've  just found some information that seemed  to be  very useful, please  take a look

Warm regards, Mathieu Malaterre

From: jeuclid [mailto:jeuclid at]
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 8:05 AM
To: werner at
Subject: Yer mum is a cow m8.

Just wanted  an excuse to open up a  human. Haha.  Why? Where are  you based? If you're in the US, news is Obama is starting to offer programs for foreign  MDs to  practice  Family medicine without having to take up the Licensure  exams. Just rumors tho. 

I do envy you guys working  already. The moolah. It's  so  tempting.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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