Bug#848137: problem with the upgrade of tango-db

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Tue Jan 3 14:46:49 UTC 2017

Hello, I would like to discuss about this bug [1]

I tryed to reproduce the scenary of piuparts in a virtual machine (gnome-box)

installed in 3 steps:
   jessie base system
   mysql-server (I need a working database)
   tango-db (daemon)

It works ok, I have a running tango-db daemon (ps aux | grep tango)


replace jessie by stretch in the sources.list

apt-get update
apt-get install mysql-server (5.5 -> 5.6)

the tango-db is still working.

Now I installed the new default-mysql-server

apt-get install default-mysql-server (5.6 -> mariadb 10.1)

the tango-db daemon is still working.

Now I upgrade tango-db

apt-get install tango-db (tango8 -> tango9)

and during this upgrade I have a problem of right that you can see in the bug report.

I would like to know how to debug this problem, I tryed to export dbc_debug=1, But I got no real information about the failing mysqldump.

I would say that I know almost nothing about sql, but I can learn.

What is strange from mmy point of view, is that I created the table and populate it only with dbconfig-common.
So I find strange that the dump can not work.

Maybe this is a problem of compatibility between mysql/mariadb, because the dabatase was first created with mysql 5.5 and the upgrade is done via mariadb.

Are you aware of problem of right due to mariadb ?

thanks for your help


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=848137

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