Bug#848137: [Dbconfig-common-devel] Bug#848137: RE:Bug#848137: Info received (problem with the upgrade of tango-db)
PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Wed Jan 4 18:00:50 UTC 2017
> I am suspecting that this commit may be related to the current behavior:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/dbconfig-common.git/commit/?id=acdb99d61abfff54630c4cfba6e4452357a83fb9
> I believe I implemented there that the drop of the database is performed
> with the user privileges instead of the dbadmin privileges because I
> believed one should always have the rights to drop the db. Apparently I
> was wrong. We may need to clone or reassign this bug to dbconfig, but
> I'm not sure yet if there aren't more things, or if tango-db should work
> around the issue (which may be created by buggy dbconfig-common behavior
> of the past).
I can not give an educated guess if the current logic of dbconfig-common is good or not.
I do not have enough knowledge of SQL/MySQL/Postsgresq etc...
This problem could affect other package using dbconfig-common.
I agreed also that I must fix the wrongly created procedure/tables due to the previous dbconfig-common behaviour.
Can you help me in this proces in order to produce the right snopset to put in my package (preinst ?) script.
I need to change the owner of the procedure from
root @ localhost -> tango @ locahost
Which kind of script should I add in my debian scripts ?
thansk for your help
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