Bug#851320: trilinos: FTBFS on single-CPU machines (not enough slots available)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Fri Jan 13 23:12:11 UTC 2017

Well, I should better include the build log in the bug report.
Here it is:


The list of failed tests is too long:

The following tests FAILED:
         32 - TeuchosParameterList_FancyOutputting_test_MPI_4 (Failed)
         73 - TeuchosRemainder_SolverFactory_MPI_4 (Failed)
         93 - RTOp_SPMD_apply_op_UnitTests_parallel_MPI_4 (Failed)
         94 - RTOp_SPMD_apply_op_UnitTests_parallel_dump_rtops_MPI_4 (Failed)
         95 - RTOp_testLapackWrappers_0_MPI_4 (Failed)
         96 - RTOp_testLapackWrappers_1_MPI_4 (Failed)
         97 - RTOp_testLapackWrappers_2_MPI_4 (Failed)
         98 - RTOp_testLapackWrappers_3_MPI_4 (Failed)
        101 - Sacado_FadCommTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        102 - Sacado_ELRFadCommTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        103 - Sacado_CacheFadCommTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        104 - Sacado_ELRCacheFadCommTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        105 - Sacado_TayCommTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        106 - Sacado_Fad_Kokkos_CommTests_Serial_MPI_4 (Failed)
        379 - Triutils_read_test_MPI_4 (Failed)
        380 - Triutils_read_test_LL_MPI_4 (Failed)
        395 - TpetraTSQR_FullTsqr_Accuracy_MPI_4 (Failed)
        396 - TpetraCore_ExpBlockMultiVector_MPI_4 (Failed)
        398 - TpetraCore_ExpBlockCrsMatrix_MPI_4 (Failed)
        399 - TpetraCore_ExpBlockMap_MPI_4 (Failed)
        402 - TpetraCore_BugTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        403 - TpetraCore_BlankRowBugTest_MPI_2 (Failed)
        404 - TpetraCore_CompilationTests_MPI_4 (Failed)
        405 - TpetraCore_CrsGraph_UnitTests0_MPI_4 (Failed)
        406 - TpetraCore_CrsGraph_UnitTests1_MPI_4 (Failed)
        407 - TpetraCore_CrsGraph_ReindexColumns_MPI_4 (Failed)


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