Bug#848137: [Dbconfig-common-devel] Bug#848137: problem with the upgrade of tango-db

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Mon Jan 16 17:10:12 UTC 2017

Hello Paul

> Officially, no, because the documentation says: "If files exist in both
> data and scripts, they will both be executed in an unspecified order."
> However, the current behavior of dbconfig-common is to first run the
> script and then run the admin code and then run the user code. So you
> should be fine (but please test) and I'll make sure this behavior
> doesn't change in stretch.

Reading this. I think that I do not need the scripts part in order to fix tango-db

I juste need to get rid of the procedures in the dbadmin part and then the user scripts will be called :).

Agreed ?



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