UNITED NATIONS isabel at puc-rio.br
Fri Jun 30 09:47:10 UTC 2017



Dear: Lucky Winner,

This is to announce to you the draw of the United Nation Foundation
Programs held on the 30th of April, 2017 in Nigeria. Your E-mail was
among the 5 lucky e-mail addresses that won $1,500,000.00 USD and
payment will be remitted to you via western union money transfer.

NOTE: $5,000 USD has already be sent to you since four weeks ago and an
e-mail was send to notify you of the remittance but we did not hear from
you since 4 weeks ago. Therefore, we decided to notify you again with
same information details of the western union money transfer. Kindly use
the below link to track the status of the transaction before visiting
Western Union office for pickup.


Mtcn: 0226158415
Sender First Name: Brenda
Sender Last Name: Larry
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Amount Sent: $5,000 USD

As soon as you receive the money, simply contact Mrs.Faith Smith for
next transfer of $5,000 USD as soon as you pickup the first transfer in
any western union near you over there.

Mrs.Faith Smith
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