Bug#715107: Broken library symlink detected in libptscotch-dev

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Tue Mar 14 18:09:05 UTC 2017

Followup-For: Bug #715107
Control: severity -1 serious
Control: reassign -1 libptscotch-5.1 5.1.12b.dfsg-2
Control: retitle -1 libptscotch-5.1: ships libs in /usr/lib/scotch_*/ instead of /usr/lib/scotch-*/

libscotch-5.1   ships /usr/lib/scotch-*/libscotch-5.1.so etc.
libscotch-dev   ships /usr/lib/scotch-*/libscotch.so -> libscotch-5.1.so etc.
libptscotch-dev ships /usr/lib/scotch-*/libptscotch.so -> libptscotch-5.1.so (BROKEN) etc.
libptscotch-5.1 ships /usr/lib/scotch_*/libptscotch-5.1.so etc.

That '_' instead of '-' looks inconsistent.


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