Bug#851183: fenics: Misses important 'mshr' module

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Fri Mar 17 03:29:59 UTC 2017

On Fri, 13 Jan 2017 16:48:22 +0100 Hagen Fuchs <code at hfuchs.net> wrote:
> > mshr needs a patched version of CGAL.
> Ouf.  Anything I can do or is it simply a matter of just waiting for
> maintainers?

Johannes has prepared a de-CGALed version in his  
johannr/optional-use-system-packages branch at
at commit 21d97cc, see

If you're handy with git, it could be useful to test if it's working as
planned. Delete mshr's CGAL subdirectory and see if it correctly
locates the system CGAL.

mshr's CGAL copy also has some patches (that's part of the reason why
they kept their own copy) which we'll need to push to CGAL upstream.


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