Company representative

Shougang Group docbadia at
Thu Nov 9 05:33:35 UTC 2017

Shougang Group45 Huagong Road Xinji City,Hebei Province China.webpage:
This is an official request for Professional/consultants who will stand asour regional representative to run logistics on behalf of Shougang Group.We are only looking for individual or company from USA and Canada. Youwill be entitle to ten percent (10%) of every payment you receive from ourcustomers in your region on behalf of the company.
NOTE: You are not require to travel, all communications with our customerswill be through email or phone. All fees, including taxes will be handledby us.
You can apply for this position by filling the information below and sendback to us;
*(1)Full Name:*(2)Residential or office address:*a.Town:*b.State:*c.Zip code:*d.Country:*(3)Current Job:*(4)If you own a company, please state the company name:*(5)Preferred Email:*(6)Sex:*(7)Age:*(8)Telephone:
If you have a current job, you can still be part of our business, asservices for us will not bother with your hours of work.
Respectfully,Mr. Zhu Jimin (Chief Executive Officer)Shougang Group.
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