Bug#903514: Deadlock in _dl_close join-ing threads accessing TLS (was Re: gimp won't launch)

Alexis Murzeau amubtdx at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 14:31:00 BST 2018

On 10/08/2018 23:27, Alexis Murzeau wrote:
> I can provide a binary package that include this patch, but I'm not sure
> this is the best thing to do (I'm not the official maintainer, nor know
> a good place to upload it).

As I was requested to provide binary package to test the patch, I'm
providing this as version `0.3.2+ds-1.1~1patchTLS` built with sbuild at [0].

Instructions are on the same page [0]:
execute: `apt-key adv --keyserver hkps://hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net
--recv-keys 0x3F7A2FA142E434FE06622560B05266B2EB68F001`
and add `deb https://amurzeau.github.io/apt-repository unstable main` to

This APT repository contains both the source and amd64 binary packages.
If you try it, please tell if it works.

[0] https://amurzeau.github.io/apt-repository/

Alexis Murzeau
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