Bug#890657: not usable with qt 5.7.1

E. Serradilla eserradi at gmx.com
Sat Feb 17 11:32:04 UTC 2018

Package: libqcustomplot-dev
Version: 1.3.2+dfsg1-1
Severity: important

libqcustomplot-dev is not usable in Stretch with qt 5.7.1 since when 
trying to compile and link an application with this package it gives the 
following error:

/usr/include/qcustomplot.h:54:28: fatal error: QtPrintSupport: No such 
file or directory
  #  include <QtPrintSupport>
It is a known issue described here:


the fix would only require to change <QtPrintSupport> by 
<QtPrintSupport/QtPrintSupport> in qcustomplot.h as indicated at the 
bottom of the above page.
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