Bug#902298: inventor FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Sun Jun 24 18:41:48 BST 2018

Source: inventor
Version: 2.1.5-10-21
Tags: patch
User: helmutg at debian.org
Usertags: rebootstrap

inventor fails to cross build from source, because it performs a native
build for the build architecture. The easiest way of passing cross tools
to make is using dh_auto_build. Doing so makes the next failure (a call
to a tool called "ppp") visible. I don't know how to fix that part, so
I'm just sending you a patch for making it use cross tools to make the
next issue easier to see. Please consider applying the patch and close
this bug when doing so even though inventor still fails to cross build.

-------------- next part --------------
diff --minimal -Nru inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/changelog inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/changelog
--- inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/changelog	2018-01-25 13:45:45.000000000 +0100
+++ inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/changelog	2018-06-24 19:28:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+inventor (2.1.5-10-21.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Improve cross building: Let dh_auto_build pass cross tools to make.
+    (Closes: #-1)
+ -- Helmut Grohne <helmut at subdivi.de>  Sun, 24 Jun 2018 19:28:36 +0200
 inventor (2.1.5-10-21) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
diff --minimal -Nru inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/rules inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/rules
--- inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/rules	2018-01-25 13:45:45.000000000 +0100
+++ inventor-2.1.5-10/debian/rules	2018-06-24 19:28:33.000000000 +0200
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 	install -d $(IVROOT)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(IVROOT)/usr/lib $(MAKE) install
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(IVROOT)/usr/lib dh_auto_build -- install
 	# Fix weird permissions in upstream source.
 	chmod -x apps/examples/Toolmaker/08.Manips/README

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