Bug#892573: gazebo9: fails to start due to missing symbol in libgazebo_rendering.so.9

Collin J. Sutton collin.sutton at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 10:01:59 UTC 2018

Gazebo starts successfully with the new version of ignition-msgs; the bug
can be closed.  Thanks!

On Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 8:24 AM, Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero at openrobotics.org>

> I run a gazebo9 installation inside our buildfarm and run gazebo for a few
> seconds to confirm that it can not be loaded:
> https://build.osrfoundation.org/job/gazebo-install-
> gazebo9_pkg-sid-amd64/16/consoleFull
> The run was success and gazebo seems to me able to start without problems.
> Is the bug still present in your system? Could you please update to the
> latest version of ignition-msgs?
> Thanks.
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