Bug#816424: Please support recent version of libuv

Joe Cheng joe at rstudio.com
Wed Mar 28 03:43:38 UTC 2018

httpuv's master branch has been upgraded to libuv 1.18.0. It should be
releasing to CRAN in the next few weeks.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 2:31 AM Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu> wrote:

> Hi Joe,
> the Debian R packaging team maintains your httpuv package in Debian.
> There was a bug reported[1] and the bug reporter suggested the solution
> to replace the code copy of libuv inside httpuv by the Debian packaged
> library.  I tried to do so but I was running into several build errors
> which are caused by the fact that your copy is of
> $ head -n1 ChangeLog
> 2013.07.26, Version 0.10.13 (Stable)
> while Debian has packaged
> $ head -n1 ChangeLog
> 2017.12.02, Version 1.18.0 (Stable)
> Could you imagine to upgrade your internal code copy to the recent
> version and adapt your code to work with the recent API?
> Kind regards
>         Andreas.
> Control: tags -1 upstream
> COntrol: forwarded -1 Joe Cheng <joe at rstudio.com>
> [1] https://bugs.debian.org/816424
> --
> http://fam-tille.de
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