Bug#896353: Bug fixed in Git

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue May 22 10:42:35 BST 2018

Control: tags -1 pending

Hi Ghislain,

I intended to fix this (low hanging fruit ;-) ) bug but when I noticed
that you are carrying an explicit *-dbg package I was wondering whether
this is needed.  I would remove it in favour of the automatically
created one - but may be you have your reasons for doing this.

BTW, I noticed you have specified "sign-tags = True" but there is no
keyid specified.  I've never used this and I simply sneaked in the new
upstream tag by removing "sign-tags = True" temporarily.  Sorry for the
hack - I hope it is acceptable.

Please note: I have *not* build the new version at my side - so you
might expect issues from the new version.  My changes were basically
making the test suite detecting the reported bug and fixing it.

Kind regards



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